Correlated Quantum Matter and Materials

Welcome to CQM2 Group!

Strong interactions among atomic particles can lead to materials, such as some high-temperature superconductors, with unusual electronic and magnetic properties. Our research group at ITP and BeihangU is focusing on emergent many-body physics and ultra quantum states of matter due to the intriguing interplay between correlation and topology. We aim to develop quantum many-body simulation techniques, e.g., tensor networks, renormalization group, and deep learning techniques, that provide reliable and accurate numerical access to thermal and dynamical properties of correlated systems. With state-of-the-art methods, we explore novel states of matter and reveal underlying manybody theory, in correlated materials that could possibily lead to intriguing applications in future quantum technology.


  • Quantum Many-body Theory and Computations
  • Ground-State and Thermal Tensor Networks
  • Frustrated Magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids
  • Correlated Electrons and Superconductivity
  • Magnetocaloric Quantum Materials


  • CAS Project for Young Scientists in Basic Research (Grant No. YSBR-057)
  • Quantum Many-body Theory and Computation, NSFC Excellent Youngth Project: 12222412
  • Thermal Tensor Networks for Frustrated Quantum Magnets, NSFC General Project: 11974036
  • Quantum Manybody Computation Methods and Applications, NSFC Key Project: 11834014
  • Non-abelian symmetry and tensor networks, NSFC Junior Project: 11504014


  • Our work “Magnetocaloric effect of topological excitations in Kitaev magnets” is published in Nature Communications 15, 7011 (2024), 15-Aug-2024.

  • Our work “Orbital-selective superconductivity in the pressurized bilayer nickelate La3Ni2O7: An infinite projected entangled-pair state study ” is published in Phys. Rev. B 110, L041111, 8-Jul-2024.

  • Our work “Giant magnetocaloric effect in spin supersolid candidate Na2BaCo(PO4)2” is published in Nature 625, 270–275 (2024), 10-Jan-2024.

  • Our work “Bilayer t-J-J⊥ Model and Magnetically Mediated Pairing in the Pressurized Nickelate La3Ni2O7” is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 036502, 19-Jan-2024.

  • Our work “A one-third magnetization plateau phase as evidence for the Kitaev interaction in a honeycomb-lattice antiferromagnet” is published in Nature Physics 10, 1038 (2023) , 25-Sep-2023.

  • Our work “Plaquette Singlet Transition, Magnetic Barocaloric Effect, and Spin Supersolidity in the Shastry-Sutherland Model” is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 116702, 14-Sep-2023.

  • Our work “Possible intermediate quantum spin liquid phase in α-RuCl3 under high magnetic fields up to 100 T” is published in Nature Communications 14, 5613 (2023) , 12-Sep-2023.

  • Our work “Tangent Space Approach for Thermal Tensor Network Simulations of the 2D Hubbard Model” is published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 226502, 01-June-2023, and also highlighted as PRL Editors' suggestion.

  • Our work “High-field quantum spin liquid transitions and angle-field phase diagram of the Kitaev magnet α−RuCl3” is published in Phys. Rev. B 107, 115124, 10-Mar-2023.

  • We are very happy to announce that Dr. Han Li has been awarded the KITS fellowship for postdoctoral researchers!

  • Congratulations to Han Li for being awarded the fellowship of 2022 China National Postdoctoral Program for Innovative Talents (全国博新计划). Grant No. BX20220291.

  • Congratulations to Junsen Wang for the support from the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities.

  • Our work “Exciton Proliferation and Fate of the Topological Mott Insulator in a Twisted Bilayer Graphene Lattice Model"is published in Phys. Rev. Lett 128, 157201, 12-Apr-2022.

  • Our work “Realization of topological Mott insulator in a twisted bilayer graphene lattice model” is published in Nature Communications 12, 5480 (2021) , 16-Sep-2021.

  • Our work “Learning the Effective Spin Hamiltonian of a Quantum Magnet” is published in Chin. Phys. Lett 38, 097502, 27-Aug-2021. Our code implementation in PyTorch is publicly available at this GitHub repo.

  • Our work “Identification of magnetic interactions and high-field quantum spin liquid in α-RuCl3” is published in Nature Communications 12, 4007 (2021) , 29-Jun-2021.

  • Our work “Symmetry-Protected Topological Edge Modes and Emergent Partial Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Open Quantum Many-Body Systems"is published in Phys. Rev. Lett 126, 237201, 9-Jun-2021.

  • Our work “Evidence of the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase in a frustrated magnet” is published in Nature Communications 11, 5631 (2020) , 06-Nov-2020, and also selected as Editor’s Highlight !

  • Our work “Kosterlitz-Thouless Melting of Magnetic Order in the Triangular Quantum Ising Material TmMgGaO4” is published in Nature Communications 11, 1111 (2020) , 28-Feb-2020.

  • Our work “Exponential Thermal Tensor Network Approach for Quantum Lattice Models” is published in Phys. Rev. X 8, 031082, 26-Sep-2018.


Principal Investigator


Wei Li


Quantum Many-body Physics



Han Li


Quantum Magnets


Junsen Wang


Quantum Many-body System


Ning Xi


Quantum Magnets

PhD Students


Dai-Wei Qu

Ph.D. Student

Correlated Electrons


Enze Lv

Ph.D. Student

Quantum Magnets


Qiao-Yi Li

Ph.D. Student

Correlated Electrons


Xin-Yang Liu

Ph.D. Student

Quantum Magnets


Xing-Zhou Qu

Ph.D. Student

Correlated Electrons


Yuan Gao

Ph.D. Student

Quantum Magnets

Master Students


Guo-Liang Wu

Master Student

Quantum Magnets


Jian-Xin Gao

Master Student

Quantum Magnets

Former Members


Bin-Bin Chen

Ph.D. Student

Correlated Electrons


Hao-Xin Wang

Bachelor Student

Condensed Matter Theory


Lei Chen

Bachelor Student

Condensed Matter Theory


Lingyun Pu

Bachelor Student

Quantum Magnets


Si-Zhuo Yu

Master Student

Quantum Magnets


Yong-Liang Dong

Bachelor Student

Materials Science


Yun-Jing Liu

Bachelor Student

Electronic Engineering